How it works
The world's first marketplace for unclaimed cargo.
Globy – is a global marketplace aimed at minimizing the risk for the company that has unclaimed cargo and enabling the importer and exporter to purchase such goods at a significant discount.
Below you can see how it works.
That's how it is
Often there are situations when the importer refuses the cargo that is already in transit/on the way. This has many consequences: demurrage, loss of money, time and cargo.
Find a counterparty
In such situations, Globy helps the seller to find a new buyer and the buyer to get the goods they need at a profit.
Minimum discount 5%
Listing goods for sale, the seller provides the description and photos of the items and submits shipping documents. He also sets the price with a special discount at a minimum of 5% of the contract value.
Buyers in turn, can get a good business deal with a discount and help seller avoid the risks.