Chest Drainage Catheter/Thoracic Catheter
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Chest Drainage Catheter/Thoracic Catheter
JK MEDIRISE Disposable Medical Devices
Product details
Chest Drainage Catheter/Thoracic Catheter: Suitable for post operative drainage after Cardio-Thoracic and Thoracic surgery. Distal end open with smooth large eyes to maximize the drainage from the chest without Trauma to the delicate lung tissues. Proximal end fitted with specially designed tapered tongue to provide excellent forcep grip and non-traumatic insertion. Tubes marked at 2cm from the last eye to ascertain the depth of placement. One loose connector provided to facilitate the immediate connection of catheter with the drainage set. Manufactured from Non-toxic Medical Grade PVC with Radio Opaque Line throughout its length. Sizes available (FG): 12,14,16,20,24,28,32,36,40 Κατασκευαστής, εξαγωγέας, Ινδία, πλαστικό, ιατρικά, χειρουργικά, αναλώσιμα, αναλώσιμα, συσκευές, σωληνώσεις, καθετήρες, καθετήρες, έγχυση, μετάγγιση, αναισθησία, αναπνευστικές, ουρολογικές, χειρουργικές, καρδιακές, καρδιολογικές, στεντ, οδοντικά εμφυτεύματα, προσθετικά, γάντια, σύριγγες , Βελόνες, ράμματα, επίδεσμοι, βαμβακερό μαλλί, οξύμετρο, οδηγό σύρμα, σωλήνας, σακούλες, στείρα, οξυγόνο, drape, προφυλακτικό, Αιμοστατικός, επεμβατικός, ενδοφλέβιος, εισαγωγέας, νεφελώδης, θωρακικός, ενδοτραχειακός, ούρα, φλέβα, φλεβικός, αρτηρίες, πληθωρισμός, βιοψία, αίμα, σύμβαση κατασκευής, υγειονομική περίθαλψη, νοσοκομείο, βρέφος, νεογνικός, αγγειακός, διηθητικός, , Διαδερμική, θωρακική, τραυματική, πληγή manufacturer, exporter, India, plastic, medical, surgical, disposable, consumables, devices, cannula, Cannulae, catheter, infusion, transfusion, Anesthesia, Respiratory, urology, surgery, cardiac, cardiology, stent, dental implants, prosthetics, gloves ,syringes ,needles, sutures, bandages, cotton wool, oximeter, guide wire, tube, Probes, bags, sterile, oxygen, drape, condom, Stethoscope, Thermometer, Sphygmomanometer haemostatic, interventional, intravenous, introducer, nebulizer, thoracic, endotracheal, urine, vein, venous, arteries, inflation, biopsy, blood, contract manufacturing, healthcare, hospital, infant, neonatal, vascular, invasive, nasal, safety, neuro, spinal, percutaneous, thoracic, trauma, wound
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Ketan Munjani
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